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Cookies policy

Our website uses technology to collect information about its use, to distinguish between users, to help us provide you with a good experience and to allow us to improve the site and the service we offer. This means that when you visit our website, cookies or similar technologies will be placed on your computer or other device.

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that are stored on a user’s computer when navigating the Internet and that, in particular, contain a number that allows the user’s computer to be unequivocally identified, even if the user changes locations or IP addresses. Cookies are installed while navigating the Internet, either by websites that the user visits or by third parties with which the website engages, and allows the latter to become aware of the user’s activity on the same site, or on others with which it engages, for instance: the location from which it accesses the site, connection time, the device from which it accesses (fixed or portable), the operating system and navigator used, most-visited websites, number of clicks, and the data regarding the user’s behaviour on the Internet.
The website can be accessed without needing the cookies to be activated, although deactivation may prevent the site from operating correctly.

Authorization for the use of cookies

Users or visitors to the page accept that, when navigating the site, they expressly consent to the use of cookies as described below.
You can however set up your browser to delete or refuse some or all of them, or to notify you when you are sent a cookie and therefore choose whether or not to accept it.  You may also delete or refuse, some or all of the cookies, on our website at any time

Types of cookies

Depending on the length of time a cookie stays on your device: 

  • Session cookies are temporary cookies which only exist during the time you use the website (or more strictly, until you close the browser after using the website). 
  • Persistent cookies stay on the device after visiting our website and can be deleted by the user. Persistent cookies help us identify you as a unique visitor.

Depending on the entity that manage the cookies:

  • Cookies inserted directly by the Owner of the website in the user device. 
  • Third parties cookies inserted by a third party in the user device. Cookies installed by the owner of the site but the information collected is managed by a third party are also considered third party cookies.

What cookies we use?

Navigating our website, you may find cookies inserted directly by the Owner as described in the following section:

  • Technical and strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are essential for the running of our website. Can be used to facilitate the correct navigation of the website as well as ensures that the content thereof is effectively loaded.Additionally, personalisation cookies are used to compile statistical data related to the users’ activity on the website, in order to be able to improve the services provided to users by analysing navigation habits.
eZSESSID_SAMSESSIDSantander Asset ManagementSessionSessionThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functioning of the site and cannot be disabled. It allows access to restricted areas.
eZSESSID*Santander Asset ManagementSessionSessionThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functioning of the site and cannot be disabled. It allows access to restricted areas.
OptanonConsentSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearUsed to Support cookies functionalities
OptanonAlertBoxClosedSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearThis cookie is set by websites that use certain versions of the OneTrust cookie compliance solution.  It is set after visitors have seen a cookie information notice and, in some cases, only when they actively close the notice.  It allows the website to not display the message more than once to a user.  The cookie lasts for one year and contains no personal information.
nlbiSantander Asset ManagementSessionSession

Incapsula DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall:
Load balancing cookie. To facilitate action requests by a user to be sent to the same origin server

Incap_sesSantander Asset ManagementSessionSessionIncapsula DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall:
This cookie refers to HTTP requests associated to a specific session (AKA visit). Re-launching the browser and accessing the same site is identified  as  separate visits. To maintain the current sessions (i.e. Session Cookie)
Visid_incapSantander Asset Management
Santander Asset Management
Persistent1 yearIncapsula DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall:
The  cookie on which sessions are related to a specific visitor (visitor representing a specific computer) In order to identify clients which have already visited Incapsula.
profileSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functioning of the Site and cannot
be deactivated. They allow access to restricted areas.
terms_accepted_individualSantander Asset ManagementSessionSessionThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website and cannot be deactivated. They allow access to specific areas
accept_legal_disclaimer_individualSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website and cannot be deactivated. They allow access to specific areas
accept_legal_disclaimer_professionalSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website and cannot be deactivated. They allow access to specific areas
terms_accepted_professionalSantander Asset ManagementSessionSessionThis cookie is necessary to ensure the basic functionality of the website and cannot be deactivated. They allow access to specific areas
eupubconsentSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearThis cookie is used by the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework to store the user's consent to the data collection Purposes. The cookie holds an encrypted consent string that vendors participating in the framework can read and determine the user's consent. 
__cfduidcookielaw.orgPersistent30 daysThis host is used by OneTrust for hosting the Cookie Consent tool script. It is used to manage cookies on websites.
visid_incap_Santander Asset ManagementPersistent1 yearEncapsulates DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall: The cookie on which sessions are related to a specific visitor (visitor representing a specific computer)in order to identify clients which have already visited the site.
incap_ses_Santander Asset ManagementSessionSessionEncapsulates DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall: The cookie on which sessions are related to a specific visitor (visitor representing a specific computer)in order to identify clients which have already visited the site.
nlbi_#######Santander Asset ManagementSessionSessionEncapsulates DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall: The cookie on which sessions are related to a specific visitor (visitor representing a specific computer)in order to identify clients which have already visited the site.
__utmvmSantander Asset ManagementPersistent900 secondsImperva uses Javascript classification along with Test cookies and CAPTCHA challenge for client classification and enables bot mitigation.Hence, disabling one of the tests would not imply that WAF stops performing client classification. Instead, we will use Javascript classification and CAPTCHA challenge to identify unknown Bots.
__utmvaSantander Asset ManagementPersistent900 secondsImperva uses Javascript classification along with Test cookies and CAPTCHA challenge for client classification and enables bot mitigation.Hence, disabling one of the tests would not imply that WAF stops performing client classification. Instead, we will use Javascript classification and CAPTCHA challenge to identify unknown Bots.
__utmvbSantander Asset ManagementPersistent900 secondsImperva uses Javascript classification along with Test cookies and CAPTCHA challenge for client classification and enables bot mitigation.Hence, disabling one of the tests would not imply that WAF stops performing client classification. Instead, we will use Javascript classification and CAPTCHA challenge to identify unknown Bots.
__utmvcSantander Asset ManagementNon-persistentSessionImperva uses Javascript classification along with Test cookies and CAPTCHA challenge for client classification and enables bot mitigation.Hence, disabling one of the tests would not imply that WAF stops performing client classification. Instead, we will use Javascript classification and CAPTCHA challenge to identify unknown Bots.
YSCyoutube.comNon-persistentSessionYouTube is a Google owned platform for hosting and sharing videos. YouTube collects user data through videos embedded in websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to display targeted advertising to web visitors across a broad range of their own and other websites.


  • Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies which store information on userbehaviour obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows to develop a specific profile and display advertisement appropriate to this profile:
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEyoutube.comSessionSessionThis cookie is used as a unique identifier to track viewing of videos
_gcl_auGoogle AnalyticsPersistent3 monthsUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services
_fbpFacebookPersistent3 monthsUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers


  • Analytical cookies: These cookies help us to improve our services and experience when navigating and make your online journey better and more consistent.
_gaGoogle AnalyticsPersistent2 yearsWe use Google Analytics to collect anonymize statistics of visits and use of our website. This information help us to understand the activity and be able to improve the ongoing user experience.


Google AnalyticsPersistent1 dayWe use Google Analytics to collect anonymize statistics of visits and use of our website. This information help us to understand the activity and be able to improve the ongoing user experience.
_gat_UA-Santander Asset ManagementPersistent1 dayThis is a pattern type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites.
_gidSantander Asset ManagementPersistent1 dayThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics. This appears to be a new cookie and as of Spring 2017 no information is available from Google.  It appears to store and update a unique value for each page visited.
_ga_TWTBR7JYDPSantander Asset ManagementPersistent2 years

We use Google Analytics to collect anonymize statistics of visits and use of our website. This information help us to understand the activity and be able to improve the ongoing user experience.

These cookies are collected by a third party (Google Inc.). Google Analytics stores cookies in data centres located in USA and do not share your information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of Google except in the following cases: with your consent, with domain administrators, for external processing or for legal reasons.
More information about Google privacy and terms in and
More information about Google cookies usage in

  • Third party cookies: When you visit our Website, you may receive cookies that are set by third parties. These cookies are used for certain functionalities in the website. We do not control the setting of these third-party cookies, so we suggest you might wish to check the third party websites for more information about their use of cookies and how to manage them. These may include:

Configuration of the navigator

Depending on the type of browser,the procedure for revoking and removing cookies may be different. We recommend to consult the help section of the navigator or access the help pages of the following main navigators:
Internet Explorer:
Chrome: /?hl=es

Cookie Policy data and contacts

To help you understand cookies and the reasons for them, we’ve provided a description of each cookie that we use, what it does, and that it does not collect personal data about you.  We use a feature that allows us to anonymize all the user’s IPs addresses within our website. The IP anonymization/masking takes place as soon as data is received by the Analytics Collection Network, before any storage or processing takes place. It also includes pseudonymous identifiers (e.g. strings of numbers or letters) if it is possible for us to identify you from these.
If you would like to make any queries about our Website’s Cookie Policy or to revoke the previously provided consent, please contact us at the following email address: